Monday, May 18, 2009


Rulon Justin Butterfield
05/04/09 @ 1:22am
6 lbs 3 oz, 20 inches

What a crazy last couple of weeks. Of course having a baby is always a crazy thing:-)

So the sleepless nights, the sore boobs, and the "healing" down below - you know, the usual.

It's crazy how each baby is so different.

Mira: So excited. First baby. Took so long to get pregnant. Than she came, and that's when all hell broke loose. Screaming, barfing, non-cuddly, beautiful baby Mira. Post pardom was awful. But I had no idea what I gotten myself into.

Boyd: So excited. Second baby. Only a couple months of fertility.Very nervous about having another newborn (hence the Mira era). He came and was such a snuggler. He was a spitter too, but the cuddling made up for it.

Rulon: SURPRISE! Got pregnant during a huge transitional time. Hardest pregnancy yet on my body. Labored for 3 weeks on and off. Being sent home without a baby from the hospital is the worst! But than he came. Easiest delivery ever! Perfect, with no complications at all. Even the healing has been awesome. He's such a sweetie, and loves to cuddle. He looks just like his Dad, and not much like his Bro & Sis.

We are loving having him here. So far not too bad. I'm still getting up every 30-90 minutes throughout the night, and am a little sleep deprived, but we're going good.

He has bright blue eyes and brown hair. When he looks at me it seems like there is such sweetness and smarty pantness behind his eyes. I cannot wait to see him grow up and get to know his little spirit more.

We feel SO blessed to have our children. They are all so different and so fun. And YES - we do plan on adding more:-)